
The following is a list of researchers and students who have recently collaborated or are still collaborating with the Geostatistics Research Unit at TUC.

Professor Sujit Kumar Ghosh, from the Department of Statistics at the North Carolina State University (USA) has recently started a collaboration with TUC as a Marie-Curie fellow, to conduct research on the interface between Spartan Spatial Random Fields and Bayesian Statistics.

Dr. Samuel Elogne (currently in France) is a Marie-Curie fellow who conducted his post-doctoral studies on the development of Spartan Spatial Random Fields.

Dr. Milan Zukovic (currently an Associate Professor in Slovakia) is a Marie-Curie fellow who worked on the extension of Spartan Spatial Random Fields to data that follow non-Gaussian distributions using statistical physics models.

Dr. Ersi Chorti (currently at Middlesex University, London) is a post-doctoral researcher who focused on the development of non-parametric methods for the detection of spatial anisotropy from scattered data.

Dr. Aris Moustakas (currently at the University of Leeds) worked as a post-doctoral researcher on the application of geostatistical methods to problems in plant ecology.

Dr. Aliki Muradova is a researcher who developed a mathematical model for the formation and decomposition of gas hydrates below the seafloor.

Mr. Manolis Petrakis is a Master's student working on the development of mathematical expressions for characterizing the anisotropy of spatially scattered data.

Mr. Manos Varouchakis is a Ph.D candidate working on the monitoring of groundwater level in the Messara valley of Crete.

Mr. Andreas Pavlidis is a Master's student focusing on the application of geostatistical methods to the estimation of lignite reserves and quality variations from mines in West Macedonia (Greece).

Mr. Spyros Blanas (currently at the University of Wisconsin at Madison) as an undergraduate student worked on on the computational implementation of a grain growth model used with potential applications in sintering of ceramic materials.

Mr. Ioannis Kardaras as an undergraduate student conducted simulations of a grain growth and coalescence model.

Ms. Melina Demertzi (currently at the University of Southern California) as an undergraduate student developed a database of mechanical properties for ceramic materials and determined model coefficients for a new structure-property model.